What is DIAC

What is DIAC Diac is a device of the thyristor family. DIAC means Diode Alternating current. Diode + Alternating current. This is a type of diode that works in both reverse and forward bias. This diode work on the complete cycle of AC means this work during a positive half-cycle and also during a negative

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kirchhoff’s law

kirchhoff’s law Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) According to Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL), In any closed circuit or mesh, the algebraic sum of all the emf (voltage source ) and all the voltage drops will zero. This Law deals according to the principle of conservation of energy, and according to the principle of conservation of energy

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Active | Passive | Linear | Non-Linear | Unilateral | Bilateral Elements

What are electrical elements All those elements which provide, consume, transfer or control the electrical energy. Called the electrical elements. Classification of electrical elements There are many types of electrical elements, but some main classifications are — 1.On the basis of energy transfer there are two types of electrical elements on the basis of energy

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Norton theorem

Norton’s theorem statement In Thevenin theorem, we see that in any complex circuit sources are converted in single voltage source Vth with the Series resistor Rth. Norton’s theorem is also a method to convert any complex network into a simple circuit. Norton Theorem, any two-terminal complicated network circuit can be converted in single Current source

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Thevenin theorem

Thevenin theorem Thevenin theorem statement Thevenin’s theorem is very important in point of view to Simplify the Network and Reduction of Network complexity in any circuit. This is also a very important theorem for Engineering and diploma students in basic Electrical. Thevenin theorem definition According to Thevenin’s theorem, any linear bilateral network irrespective of its

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Difference between Electrical and Electronics

Difference between Electrical and Electronics First of all, we know the definition of Electronics What is Electronics Electronics is the branch of science that deals with devices and circuits that operate by controlling the flow of electrons and other electrical charge particles. Here we see the word controlling, the word controlling of electrons is very

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Zener diode working

Zener diode Zener diode is a type of diode that flows of current also in reverse bias and in applications, it is always connected in reverse bias and Zener diode limits the voltage, this diode is used for regulating the voltage in any circuit. It always works in Zener breakdown voltage. Zener breakdown voltage is

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Turbo bass circuit

Bass booster circuit diagram  This bass booster circuit is made using the quad op-amp ic LM324. This op-amp ic has  4 operational amplifiers, but in this circuit, only 2 op-amps are used. This circuit provides Low pass filter of input audio which produces a Low frequency of input and high frequency is blocked. Connect the

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12v Battery Charger circuit with Overcharge Protection

12v Battery Charger circuit with Overcharge Protection This 12-battery charger circuit provides an Automatic cut-off facility when the battery gets fully charged. Before the use of this circuit, you need to adjust the Cut off-voltage range for the auto cut. This adjustment is done by the moving 10k preset and for testing of output voltage

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Semiconductor device numbering system

Transistor And Diode identification guide Each Semiconductor devices have a special numbering coding as per the specification of those components. All Components have a particular symbolic numbering with Alphanumeric coding for represents the characteristics of the material and other parameters. There is an international numbering system for all semiconductor devices and components. Transistor Coding System

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