Difference between BJT and JFET
Comparison between BJT and JFET
As its name Bipolar junction Transistor, This is a bipolar device. Means Minority and Majority both contribute in current conduction. | This is Unipolar device, Means Only Majority or Minority contributes in current conduction. |
This is a Current controller. | This is a Voltage controller. |
Three terminals named Emitter, Base, Collector
Its terminals named Gate, Drain, Source |
It has Low Input Impedance | High Input Impedance |
BJTs use for Low Power Circuit | FETs use for high Power Circuit |
It has More noise | Less noise than BJT |
Thermally Unstable. This generally works Only with Normal temperatures. | Thermally Stable. This can Work Properly with High temperature. |
BJT is slow Switching Than JFET | JFET is FAST Switching speed Than BJT. |
BJT is –ve Temperature coefficient. | JFET is +ve Temperature coefficient. |
Input- Forward bias
Output-Reverse bias |
Input-Reverse bias
Output-Forward bias |
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