HomeElectronics Multiple choice question MCQ online testTransistor questions and answers Transistor questions and answers Leave a Comment / Electronics Multiple choice question MCQ online test Share this 0% 0 votes, 0 avg Created on September 11, 2022Transistor Transistor Basic theoretical knowledge of transistor 1 / 32 Category: Transistor 1. The emitter of a transistor is ………………… doped lightly heavily none of the above moderately 2 / 32 Category: Transistor 2. In a transistor, signal is transferred from a …………… circuit low resistance to low resistance low resistance to high resistance high resistance to low resistance high resistance to high resistance 3 / 32 Category: Uncategorized 3. A transistor is a …………… operated device both current voltage none of the above 4 / 32 Category: Transistor 4. With the positive probe on an NPN base, an ohmmeter reading between the other transistor terminals should be …… open low resistance high resistance infinite 5 / 32 Category: Transistor 5. The number of depletion layers in a transistor is ...... One Three Two Four 6 / 32 Category: Transistor 6. The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of …………. donor ion current electron current in the collector electron current in the emitter hole current in the emitter 7 / 32 Category: Transistor 7. ICEO = (………) ICBO β none of the above 1 + α 1 + β 8 / 32 Category: Transistor 8. A current ratio of IC/IE is usually less than one and is called ………… omega beta alpha theta 9 / 32 Category: Transistor 9. In a tansistor, IC = 100 mA and IE = 100.2 mA. The value of β is ………… 100 50 200 about 1 10 / 32 Category: Transistor 10. The power gain in a transistor connected in ……………. arrangement is the highest none of the above common emitter common base common collector 11 / 32 Category: Transistor 11. A transistor has....... Three PN junctions Two PN junctions Four PN junctions One PN junction 12 / 32 Category: Transistor 12. The output impedance of a transistor is …………….. high low very low zero 13 / 32 Category: Transistor 13. In a transistor if β = 100 and collector current is 10 mA, then IE is ………… 110 mA none of the above 100.1 mA 100 mA 14 / 32 Category: Transistor 14. The most commonly used transistor arrangement is …………… arrangement common collector common base none of the above common emitter 15 / 32 Category: Transistor 15. The voltage gain in a transistor connected in ………………. arrangement is the highest common emitter common base none of the above common collector 16 / 32 Category: Transistor 16. The value of α of a transistor is ………. more than 1 less than 1 1 none of the above 17 / 32 Category: Transistor 17. The relation between β and α is ………….. β = 1 / (1 – α ) β = (1 – α ) / α β = α / (1 – α ) β = α / (1 + α ) 18 / 32 Category: Transistor 18. In a transistor ……………….. IE = IC – IB IB = IC + IE IC = IE + IB IE = IC + IB 19 / 32 Category: Transistor 19. Beta’s current ratio is …….. IC/IE IE/IB IB/IE IC/IB 20 / 32 Category: Transistor 20. The input impedance of a transistor is …………. almost zero very high low high 21 / 32 Category: Transistor 21. Total emitter current is ………… IE – IC IB + IC IC + IE IB – IC 22 / 32 Category: Transistor 22. In a npn transistor, ……………. are the minority carriers free electrons holes donor ions acceptor ions 23 / 32 Category: Transistor 23. In a pnp transistor, the current carriers are …………. donor ions free electrons holes acceptor ions 24 / 32 Category: Transistor 24. A transistor is a …………… operated device voltage both current 25 / 32 Category: Transistor 25. When the transistor is used in Cut-off or Saturation state, It acts as ? As AND gate An amplifire An zener diode A switch 26 / 32 Category: Transistor 26. The value of β for a transistor is generally ……………….. 1 less than 1 above 500 between 20 and 500 27 / 32 Category: Transistor 27. The C-B configuration is used to provide which type of gain? resistance power voltage current 28 / 32 Category: Transistor 28. The collector of a transistor is …………. doped lightly heavily none of the above moderately 29 / 32 Category: Transistor 29. In a transistor, collector current is controlled by ……….. collector resistance collector voltage base current all of the above 30 / 32 Category: Transistor 30. In a transistor, the base current is about ………….. of emitter current 20% 5% 35 % 25% 31 / 32 Category: Transistor 31. BC 147 transistor indicates that it is made of ………….. germanium none of the above carbon silicon 32 / 32 Category: Transistor 32. The collector-base junction in a transistor has ……………. reverse bias at all times low resistance forward bias at all times none of the above Your score is LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Exit Anonymous feedback Thank you Send feedback Share this