stereo speaker

44w Stereo amplifier| 2x22w Amplifier using TDA1553

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44 w Stereo Amplifier Circuit for car

Here is a circuit of a Medium power stereo 44W amplifier using IC TDA1553. This ic is a monolithic Class-B audio amplifier which provides 22w output at both channel. It means 2 x 22 watt amplifiers . Which is in bridge tied load (BTL) configuration . 12V DC power use for operartion of this amplifier . This IC has good features like short circuit protection, load dump protection, reverse polarity protection, loud speaker protection etc. This circuit can uses for car audio applications.
TDA1553 is a monolithic ic that is designed for stereo amplifier that can provide at each channel 22 w output power.
 You can use volume controller such as potentiometer variable resistance of 50k between input ground In the circuit , C5 and C4 are input decoupling capacitors while C3 sets the delay time for loud speaker protection. C1 and C2 are power supply filter capacitors. This circuit is very simple , good quality and sufficient for low power.
circuit diagram.
tda1553 44w stereo amplifier circuit . 2x22w
44w stereo audio amplifier circuit using tda1553
220nf (224)-2
4.7uf, 50v- 1
2200uf, 50v-1
100nf (104) -1
IC– TDA1553 – 1
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