Capacitor Code calculator
Code to Value Converter

Value to Code Converter

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Method of Finding the value/Meaning of codes of capacitor
• Ceramic disc capacitors have two to three-digit codes printed on them.
• The first two numbers describe the value of the capacitor and the third number is the number of zeros in the multiplier.
• When the first two numbers are multiplied by the multiplier, the resulting value is the capacitor’s value in picofarads.
• If there is only two numbers, it means there is no multiplier, Then you just read the value of the first two numbers in picofarads.
• If any capacitor has 10 printed on it- Then its value is 10 PF
• When Any capacitor has 104 printed- It has a multiplier of 4 (Third number of code ). 10 is multiplied by 10×104 =10000. Then its value is 10×10000= 100000PF
The last number is the power of 10 and multiply with the first two no.
If a capacitor has 682 code – first check the last no, here the last no is 2. Now the multiplier is 102
For example—
- 204 = 20×104 = 200000 PF
- 472 = 47×102 = 4700 PF
- 502 = 50×102 = 5000 PF
- 330 = 33×100 = 33 PF [100 = 1]
- 1000 nanofarad(nF) = 1 microfarad(µF)
- 1 picofarad = 10-12farads.
- Nano= 10-9
- Micro= 10-6
- 1 Nano Farad= 10-9 Farad
- 1 Microfarad (µF)= 10-6 Farad
1 nF = 1000 pF
1 pF = 0.001 nF
convert 15 nF to pF:
15 nF = 15 × 1000 pF = 15000 pF